Roasted Delicata Squash

*Or: “Julia Child dropped things all the time in her kitchen too”

I got two of these babies this week. I’ve actually never had one, but they are supposed to be delicious, so I’m okay with it. Here’s what they look like (the spoon is for scale).

Spoon-sized delicata squashes

Spoon-sized delicata squashes

Now, I am trying to stay away from roasting everything I find in The Box Of Wonders, because I can eat just about anything roasted with salt and pepper and be happy. This whole venture is supposed to be about learning new ways to cook foods I have never encountered before, so I resolved to keep the roasting to a minimum. In this case however, I’m making an exception for two reasons:

1)   I got two of them and I can come up with something more creative for the other one

2)   My neighbors when I lived in Denver, Robin and Vieve, were obsessed with delicate squash. They grew it themselves because the supply at farmers markets was insufficient to meet their daily intake needs. Their go-to preparation method was cutting it into sticks and roasting it.

So, in tribute to Robin and Vieve, let’s roast us up some quash. Here we go. Continue reading